Let’s Talk Drones! Photos.co.uk Speak at Surventrix Connect

Picture of James Bastable
James Bastable

Photographer, Drone Pilot & Editor - Director at Photos.co.uk

The Photos.co.uk team had the pleasure of being invited to be keynote speakers at Surventrix Connect 2024 in in Birmingham this January. Team members,Β James Bastable πŸ“·πŸ‘·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸš πŸš€ and Charlotte CareΒ delivered a presentation on “Embracing Drone Technology” and talked about how we useΒ drones to help our clients in their businesses.

Β Now, the best way to talk about drones is with a demonstration.Β 

Not all of our drones are made for indoor flying, but that’s not a problem for our team! Armed with our tiniest drone, Pilot James took to the air to open the presentation.Β 

*Disclaimer, the drone used in this demonstration was just a toy and simply for fun and we’re happy to say he went down extremely well with all the guests and visitors.

James and Charlotte covered a lot of information about the drones we use at Photos.co.uk, including:

– Legislations and exclusion zones set by the Civil Aviation Authority, including the latest updates to regulations

– How we use drones to complete roof inspections and the benefits involved

– Showcasing one of our larger drones, the Matrice 300 RTK and demonstrating his zoom capabilities

– Using drones to complete topography and orthomosaic maps in the surveying industry

– How we create virtual tours for roof inspections, highways infrastructure and property

– An example of one of our one-take fly-through videos through a 184,000 square foot warehouse

The guys had a great time and met some fantastic new people. All the other speakers, guests and exhibitors made the day a really incredible and interesting one. The team are extremely grateful for being asked to share some stories and experiences.

Surventrix Connect was organised wonderfully and we’re very excited to see how they continue to grow the surveying industry.

Thanks again for inviting us along!

Here’s some behind the scenes shots, featuring some of the drones that were exhibited on the day…

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